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The Fish Hearted Bride


by Effervescent Social-Alchemy, 

National Aquarium Plymouth

February 2013

Photography: Dom Moore

The Fish Hearted Bride is a Grimm’s Brother style-esque fairytale, created by Effervescent as an arts project between themselves, the Children's Services and National Marine Aquarium. Working with a group of vulnerable young adults as Young Producers, they were involved in every step of the project, from the months of planning, story writing, auditions, to choosing the 3 performers to bring their production to life, and then back stage work and front of house within the show.

I was cast to play Rapunzel, the silent and wronged twin. The month of rehearsals and shows took place in the National Aquarium Plymouth, which made for a very interesting and different rehearsing, rigging and performance atmosphere! As Rapunzel I was suspended up high in an aerial hoop with the celtic harp for the beginning half of the show. 

The music was an important part of the performance, myself and my two co-performers played instruments and sung a number of remixed songs, with beautiful backing from the Music Zone choir and band.

Music included a sea shanty written by Music Zone, and songs by Aqualung, Coldplay, Arcade Fire, Take That, Skilo, and Nouvelle Vague.


Photography by Dom Moore

Photography by Dom Moore

Photography: Dom Moore

Photography: Dom Moore

Photography: Dom Moore

Photography: Dom Moore