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Ruthin Craft Centre

Ceri Rimmer

Myself and musician Rob Spaull performed at the Craft Centre this June as part of a Cherry Head Productions residency. The performance reflected on Welsh heritage, including welsh mythology, music and dancing.

I played Ar Hyd y Nos on the pedal harp, the moment i finished playing Rob started to re-mix the harp music he had recorded as i was playing, and created a modern, hiphop version of it - which was then used at the clog dancing soundtrack!

The performance also marked the beginning of the Ruthin Music Festival.

Festpillene Family Day

Ceri Rimmer

My Hvit Dame (White Lady) character was invited back to the Norwegian forestry this June, as were other mythical and folklore creatures, for children and families to find as they roamed the tracks.

I joined a band!

Ceri Rimmer

In October 2014 I was blown away by the female folk duo Woodland Circus - the lyrics, vocals and music from Ella (violin, mandolin & banjo) and Ingjerd (guitar) work beautifully together and held me mesmerised for the whole 45 minutes! 

In January the girls asked me to join them with my celtic harp - to which i said yes immediately! Since then we have played at many wonderful events, including Alesund, where this picture was taken. 

Back in Bergen town we have been playing with a full band (drums, bass, 2nd banjo, slide guitar) and are currently recording the new single, Bells Blues.

Bergen International Festival

Ceri Rimmer

Following the VIP event at Treborth Botanical Gardens Telyn Harp Tales flew to Norway to perform in Festpillene i Bergen, with the celtic hand held harp (which is slightly easier to travel with than the full sized orchestra harp!).

I had been asked to create an angelic like theatrical performance, to be performed at two events, the first being the opening of the festival. This took place in the city centre, and I was perched on top of the Ole Bull fountain, which has a large sculpture of the famous violinist Ole Bull, whom was also the founder of Norway's National Theatre. I donned a specially made white flowing dress and wings - which attached to my arms beautifully, and was very effective while playing the harp, and useful in hiding from hundreds  of onlookers, creating a shy, and sometimes cheeky angel character! The sunny ceremony opening greeted the high council and the Prince of Norway.

The second performance was part of the festival's family day in Silijustol, the home of composer Harold Sæverud. It was a day full of various site specific performances happening throughout the composers forest, and it was up to the children had to find them all. I created a White Lady performance in a circle of trees with my harp, with material suspended from the trees surrounding me. I started cocooned in my white wings,  awakening and stretching at the sound of people around me, only to be scared to find families staring at me! I used my wings, again, to hide behind and peer out over, and slowly make friends with the audience, getting the children to wave to me, and then, once over my shyness, I started to show off my harp, which I then would play to them, until I became tired once more, and the act would finish with me falling asleep over my harp, at which point parents would whisper to their children to leave quietly, and I would stay in my cocooned sleeping position until the next herd of children came along! 

Photo: Kamran Sanaee  for the opening ceremony

Photo: Kamran Sanaee  for the opening ceremony

Photo: V.Synnevog for the Family Day

Photo: V.Synnevog for the Family Day

Two Dragon's ViP Lunch

Ceri Rimmer

The Two Dragons is a new medicinal garden at Treborth Botanical Gardens, and is half Chinese and half Welsh. The event also celebrated the joining of Bangor University and the Chinese Union of Botanical Gardens, enabling students and Dr’s from both countries to study in both gardens.

I played my Welsh harp alongside Chinese Harpist Rain, which was a great honour, as was playing to Steve Blackmore, the Queen’s Botanist, Chen Jin, Chair of the Chinese union of Botanical Gardens, Xin Yu Wu, Head of International Education at Bangor Uni, Proff Hughes, the Vice Chancellor of Bangor University, Lord Dafydd Elis-Thomas, and the brilliant Dr Sophie Williams, without whom the connection between the two countries would not have happened!

Plas Maenan Wedding

Ceri Rimmer

Two weeks ago I had the pleasure of playing my first wedding of the year, in the glorious sunshine at Plas Maenan. Back in October I had donated a harp gig to a charity auction, and Llinos and Sion were the lucky winners! Many congratulations to the lovely couple x

'Voices in the Wind' Performance

Ceri Rimmer

This february it is a pleasure once more to be working in the Cymru : Brasil company. As part of the Capoeira Conference at Edge Hill University, 27/02 - 01/03, we have been commissioned to create a new piece of work, combining Brazilian and English music, singing and dance. 

There is a slight shuffle in the company this time as Mester Toni Vargas is directing the piece, with Angharad Harrop dancing, Ruan de Vargas dancing, singing and playing guitar, Henry Horrell on violin and myself on harp and singing.

I am particularly excited about the forth coming performance of this piece as we have written 3 out of the 6 songs in the show!


Conwy Falls Photoshoot

Ceri Rimmer

Conwy Falls Cafe, beautifully placed in 9 acres of forest, complete with a spectacular waterfall, has decided to extend it's warm fire place and comfort to wedding parties. In September the autumnal wedding look-book was shoot by Tom Simone, and the cafe looked even more radiant decorated with heather and vines from the forest, and handwoven flax flower bouquets. Me and my harp accompanied the shoot as an extra option for weddings at the Falls, but also to play with landscape harp shots with Tom - hopefully to be followed shortly by a harp on the cliffs photoshoot ... keep your eyes peeled!
